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  • 发布日期:2014-04-08
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 浏览次数504
  • 详细内容


  • 供应商:北京卡普泰尔科贸有限公司【公司网站】
  • 所在地:中国 【本地:贷款 理财 酒店】
  • 联系人:马小军
  • 价格:面议 
  • 最小采购量:1
查看全部7977件沥青 代理产品 >>诚招沥青铜瓦、金属瓦等瓦片、屋面瓦的代理 产品详情
  • 品牌/型号:卡普金属瓦
  • 品牌:卡普金属瓦
  • 基本投资额:0-0.5万(元)
  • 保证金额:0(元)
  • 加盟费:0(元)
  • 项目区域要求:全国
  • 品牌发源地:北京
  • 经营模式:经销,代理,合作
  • 发展模式:经销,区域代理,区域开发
  • 项目类别:建材类



n        产品说明

*        铜的使用有2500多年的历史,它是财富、尊贵的象征。基于铜本身良好的可塑性、延展性、导电性、抗腐蚀性能和抗菌性能,它被越来越多的设计师和开发商运用于建筑屋顶及外墙装饰。

*        沥青铜瓦系列产品是一种经特殊工艺多层高压复合而成的铜板面层沥青瓦(其核心技术已获国家专利),它可以用于屋顶覆盖,也可用于建筑外立面的装饰,应用十分广泛。

n        特征优点

*        环保。采用含铜量为99.9%的纯铜板材料,保证了铜固有的高价值和100%可回收再利用性,而且在回收过程中不会有性能或质量损耗。

*        提升建筑价值。基于铜自有的高价值,我们承诺的“全铜”效果必能提升建筑的价值,进而成为公众关注的焦点。

*        成本低。与传统的铜幕墙、铜屋面系统比较,我们摈弃了复杂的层状系统安装结构,并将铜板的厚度控制在0.1~0.2mm,从而大大降低了材料和施工成本。

*        施工简便。采用胶粘和打钉固定两种方式结合的安装方法,一个熟练工人一天时间可以快速安装100平方米,无需维修,无需特殊的产品附件。

*        重量轻。每平方米沥青铜瓦的重量约为10~15kg,仅为陶瓦的1/4左右。

*        防水佳。独有的防水防漏设计,使其成为屋顶及建筑外墙很好的第一道防水层面。

*        耐热性、耐候性好。铜表面会生成一层具有自我保护作用的硬且致密的氧化层,我们通常称之为“铜锈”。

*        柔韧性好。适用于各种形状屋面及建筑外墙,尤其是弧形、单曲面、穹顶、球形、圆锥面等,从而解决设计和施工难题。

*        时间的体现。随着时间流逝,铜表面逐渐氧化,颜色会由最初明亮的原铜色变为古铜色,直至产生铜绿。它是时间的体现,也是建筑生命的表现。

n        产品种类

*        种类:

*        按颜色分有原铜色(01)、古铜色(02)、绿铜色(03三种。当然如果您不希望铜表面会氧化变色,我们也提供一种特殊工艺:在铜板表面涂刷一层透明的树脂层(S,使其与空气层隔绝,从而不会氧化变色。该层树脂层我们提供10年有限质量担保。详细情况可来电咨询。

*        按铜板厚度分有0.1mm0.15mm0.2mm

*        按外形分有鱼鳞型(Y)、矩型(J)。



Copper Roofing Tile Series

n        Product introduction:

*        The history of using copper is of more than 2,500 years. For generations, copper is regarded as the symbol of wealth. It is famous for its excellent plasticity、ductility and conductibility, and it can also resist erosion and germ. Due to its special nature, copper is widely used by more and more architects and developers as roofage as well as materials for outside-walls.

*        Copper roofing tile is a new product for roofage which is processed by advanced patented techniques. It is widely used as roofage as well as materials for outside-walls.

n        Advantage

*        Environment friendly:The surface of our copper roofing tile is 99.7% pure copper plank, which can be recycled without any loss in quality.

*        Add value to the architecture:The value of copper itself will make the architecture an art to attract public attention.

*        Low cost:Our copper roofing tile is 0.1~0.2mm thick plank, as compared with the complicated seam roofing system,thus to reduce a lot of cost in materials and installation.

*        Easy installed:glue and nails are all that need in installation,without special product fittings,convenient in installation and maintenance.

*        Light weight:10~15kg/m2, as light as 1/4 of that of clay tile.

*        Waterproof:The special waterproofing design promises it to be the first guard against water for rooftop and outside-walls.

*        Durableheatproofanti-corrosion:The surface of the copper roofing tiles will be oxidized as time elapses, thus to be self-protective.

*        Flexible:It is flexible for almost all kinds of roofs, especially arch, half-conical, conical, vault, orbicular or any other irregular shapes, so as to solve problems in designs and construction.

*        Giving life to architecture:The color of the copper changes with time from its original color to patina, which embody the magic of time as if it gives life to architecture. 

n        Category, specification and packing

*        Category:

*        Color: coppery (01), bronze (02) and patina (03).Changeless color is also available as demanded due to theresin(S)applied on its surface. We promise quality for 10 years. Any call for details is welcome.

*        plank thickness: 0.1mm0.15mm0.2mm.

*        Design: fish-scale (Y) and rectangle (J)

*       Please give clear indication of serial number; for instance, 01-0.1-Y refers to coppery color - 0.1mm - fish-scale design; 02-S-0.15-J refers to bronze – changeless – 0.15mm –rectangle design.


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